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POLGO GROUP is a business conformed by professional and technical personnel with extensive international experience that offers and guarantees integral services in the areas of Advising, Consulting, Field Supervision and Monitoring of Quality Projects, in order to optimize designs, processes and costs in Engineering and Operations business activities for Petroleum, Gas and Geothermal companies and for the Industry in general.


To provide high-quality services in the areas of advising, consulting, supervision and training to service, petroleum, gas and geothermal companies, and to the industry in general, contributing to improve their efficiency, productivity and profitability.


To be recognized as an efficient company that provides its services, identified with our clients’ needs and capable of improving the processes under our responsibility.

Polgo International Group

Telephone: (813) 270-0721 * Fax: (813) 961-0961

(c) Copyright 2010 Polgo Group